It's that time of the year again, when we all scramble to decorate our homes, buy the perfect gifts, host the best parties, bake cookies, take photos with Santa......
The question is just how jolly do we feel when we're running around doing all these things.
I for one, don't feel so jolly when I'm wandering around the mall aimlessly trying to buy gifts for loved ones who have just about everything.
So this year I promised that I would slow down and not do so many things; in fact over the last few years I've been systemically sloughing off Christmas madness.
And it feels great!
Last year, on Christmas Eve, in lieu of individual gifts our family participated in steal a gift which made us laugh for hours. That night we found joy in the merriment of the game, not in the gifts themselves.
I love the warmth of the season; when people are a little kinder and care to do for others.
Shouldn't this always be our way of life?
No matter what our faith, it is a time to be grateful for all our blessings.
And I am!
And it feels great!
Last year, on Christmas Eve, in lieu of individual gifts our family participated in steal a gift which made us laugh for hours. That night we found joy in the merriment of the game, not in the gifts themselves.
I love the warmth of the season; when people are a little kinder and care to do for others.
Shouldn't this always be our way of life?
No matter what our faith, it is a time to be grateful for all our blessings.
And I am!